Why Does My Dog Sleep With His Tongue Out? 11 Reasons

Why Does My Dog Sleep With His Tongue Out


Do you ever look at your furry best friend and wonder why they do some of the things they do? For example, one peculiar behavior often seen in dogs is sleeping with their tongue out. We know it’s adorable, but what’s actually going on here?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why your dog seems to snooze with his tongue sticking out—from the scientific reasons behind it to troubleshooting potential causes for concern.


Here Are Reasons Why Dogs Sleep With Their Tongues Out


1. Panting


Dogs sleep with their tongue out because of panting, a natural way to regulate their body temperature. When a dog puffs, it exhales hot air and takes in cooler air to lower its body temperature. This process is essential for dogs because they cannot sweat as humans do.

Panting is also a way for dogs to release excess energy and calm down. When a dog is panting heavily, it may feel anxious or excited. By exhaling and taking in air through panting, the dog can regulate its heart rate and breathing, which helps them to calm down.

Overall, panting is a normal and necessary part of a dog’s body function and is not something to be concerned about.


2. Cooling


When a dog sleeps with their tongue out, it allows for heat to be dissipated from their body. The tongue is rich in blood vessels, which means it can absorb a lot of heat. By sticking their tongue out, dogs can cool their body down and stop overheating. This is particularly crucial for dogs with thick coats or those living in warm climates.

It’s additionally worth keeping in mind that dogs have an extra reliable cooling system than us. We sweat to manage our body temperature, but dogs don’t have sweat glands on their skin.

Instead, they depend on panting and their tongue to cool down. So, if you see your dog sleeping with his tongue out, don’t worry – it’s just their body’s way of keeping cool.


3. Dehydration


While panting is an all-natural behavior for dogs, too much panting can be a sign of dehydration. When dogs become dehydrated, their body may not have enough water to function properly, which can lead to serious health issues.

If a dog is panting exceedingly as well as their tongue is hanging out, it could be a sign that they are not getting enough water and may be at risk for dehydration.

To stop dehydration in dogs, it is important to ensure that they have access to clean, fresh water at all time. If you observe that your dog is panting excessively or their tongue is hanging out greater than usual, it may be time to check their water supply and make sure they are getting enough to drink.

In addition, offering your dog with plenty of shade and access to cool water can help to keep them comfy and also protect against dehydration. Overall, while it may seem cute when dogs sleep with their tongue out, it can actually be a sign of hydration concerns.

By keeping an eye on your dog’s water intake and making sure they are getting enough to drink, you can help to keep them healthy and happy.


4. Oxygenation


When a dog pants, it absorbs huge amounts of air through its mouth as well as nose. This aids them in oxygenating the blood and getting rid of excess carbon dioxide from the body.

When a dog is sleeping with their tongue out, it might still absorb some air through the mouth and nose, which can aid in maintaining proper oxygenation.


5. Relaxation


Dogs are known for their energetic and playful nature, often running around and playing for hours on end. After all that activity, it’s no surprise that they need to rest and relax. One common way that dogs do this is by sleeping with their tongue out.

When a dog is relaxed and calm, their muscles become more relaxed, and they might have their tongue out as a result. This is similar to how humans might stick their tongues out when they’re feeling goofy or relaxed.


6. Dental Issues


Dog’s mouth is dry, and they are trying to increase saliva production. Saliva helps to keep the dog’s mouth moist and can also help to neutralize harmful bacteria, so it’s important for a dog’s overall oral health.

If a dog is experiencing oral problems, they may sleep with their tongue out as a way to relieve discomfort or pain. Dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, or infected teeth can all cause pain and discomfort in the mouth.


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7. Nasal Obstruction


Nasal obstruction occurs when something blocks the airway in a dog’s nasal passages. This can be caused by various factors, including nasal congestion, allergies, respiratory infections, and even nasal tumors.

When a dog experiences nasal obstruction, it can be challenging to breathe via their nose. Consequently, they may pant or breathe through their mouth to get more oxygen.

If you notice your dog sleeping with their tongue out, it could signify that they are experiencing nasal obstruction. If you are worried, it is essential to consult your veterinarian to determine the cause of the obstruction and get proper treatment.


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8. Laryngeal Paralysis


Laryngeal paralysis is a condition that impacts the muscles and nerves in the larynx, creating difficulty in swallowing and breathing. It is commonly seen in bigger breeds, such as retrievers and also shepherds, and can occur any kind of age.

Among the primary symptoms of laryngeal paralysis is the inability to retract the tongue back into the mouth, leading to the tongue hanging out during sleep or when the dog is resting. This can make it difficult for the dog to regulate their body temperature, as the tongue is an important mechanism for dissipating heat.

In serious cases, laryngeal paralysis can also cause difficulty breathing and bring about panting and exhaustion during physical activity.

Laryngeal paralysis can be triggered by a variety of factors, consisting of genetics, trauma, or nerve damage. It is commonly treated with surgery to remedy paralysis.

In some cases, the condition can be taken care of with medications and also lifestyle changes, such as preventing difficult exercise as well as supplying a cooler environment for the dog.


9. Hanging Tongue Syndrome


Hanging Tongue Syndrome is a rare condition affecting dogs with unusually long tongues or abnormal jaw structures. A congenital malformation or injury causes to the jaw or tongue that prevents the dog from being able to close their mouth correctly.

When a dog has Hanging Tongue Syndrome, their tongue is constantly hanging out of their mouth, even when they are asleep. This can be a significant health concern as the tongue is exposed to the elements and can become dry, chapped, and even infected. Furthermore, constant exposure to the air can result in an increased risk of respiratory system problems.

To manage Hanging Tongue Syndrome, it is essential to maintain the dog well moisturized as well as to give routine hydration for their tongue. The dog’s mouth should also be cleaned regularly to prevent infection.

In extreme cases, surgery may be essential to fix the jaw or tongue deformity, but this is generally a last hope.


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10. Genetics


Another reason that dogs sleep with their tongue out is due to the shape of their skull and also the jaw. Some dog breeds, such as Boxers as well as also Bulldogs, have much shorter muzzles and also wider jaws, which cause their tongue to out even more when they unwind their muscles.

On top of that, these breeds, in a similar way, tend to have much shorter snouts, making it harder for them to take a breath when they relax. Because of this, they might keep their tongue out to manage their body temperature and also preserve their airway open.

Lots of breeds, such as Greyhounds and Whippets, were at first reproduced for racing or hunting as well would require to pant greatly to cool down after a long chase. Because of this, they may have developed this habit to assist in controlling their body temperature.


11. Age


As dogs age, they might begin to sleep with their tongue out more regularly. This is a common occurrence, as well is normally nothing to be worried about it.

When dogs grow older, they may start to experience changes in their mouth and throat muscles. These changes can trigger the tongue to extend more when they are relaxed, such as when they are sleeping.

Furthermore, older dogs might have weaker muscles in their jaw, which can additionally contribute to their tongue hanging around more.


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Final Thoughts


We hope that you have found it helpful and that it has given you a better understanding of this typical behavior in dogs. Always remember it is best to consult with a veterinarian or professional dog trainer if you have any concerns about your dog’s health or behavior.

Thank you for choosing to learn more about your furry companion, and we hope that you and your dog continue to have a happy and healthy relationship together.



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Richard White
Richard White

Richard White is a dog behavior consultant and trainer specializing in working with rescue dogs and dogs with behavioral issues. He has a strong background in animal psychology and uses behavior modification techniques to help our readers.

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